What it is
The File Encryptor is a powerful and userfriendly Windows application which will encrypt files, on a per file basis. That is, one or more files residing is a specific directory, as well as all files residing in any subdirectory below the top directory.
It is suitable for those who want to protect their files on local storage media. The files can then remain on local drives, or you can put them in the cloud. Having encrypted the file before uploading them to the cloud, you can be absolutely sure that they can never be exploited by others.
This tool is not designed for encrypting operating systems, volumes, hard drives etc. You can encrypt one single file, or one hundred thousand files.
What is is not
There is no automation, no real-time background encryption, so you cannot encrypt operating systems and / or whole drives.
Directory based or Drag & Drop
You can encrypt / decypt all files in a directiory, including sub directories. Or you can drag and drop one or more files, and process them immediately.
INGMOs File Encryptor is powerful! Files encrypted with this application will, for all practical scenarios, and most theoretical scenarios, be impossible to decrypt, without having the correct two-part key and salt combination.
All INGMOs products currently use the Node locked, Single Use license model. The licence is tied to the computer which registered the application. It is possible to unregister on the first PC, and then register again on a different PC, if you want to move the application to another machine.
User friendliness
File Encryptor is developed for a daily, practical use of the tool. Emphasizes has been put on making the application super user friendly, by implementing means for avoiding repetitive operations. All your settings and choices, including the key and salt combination, can be stored in templates, and you can add as many templates as you wish. The templates themselves can be stored using your own password, or using a built in computer based unique password.
Advanced mode
Only use File Encryptor if you are familiar with the Windows way of organizing files, in drives, directories and sub directories. If you are an experience user, you can switch to Advanced Mode. This gives you more control over file management, however, with flexibility comes responsibility.
System requirements
File Encryptor will run on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.
And it will run on Windows Server 2012 and upwards.
It requires the .Net runtime version 4.6.1 to be installed, and normally it is, on most Windows PCs today. If not, the installer will take care of it. The installation will occupy less than 30 Mb, and it will work fine and adjust itself to any amount of available RAM on the PC it runs.
If in doubt about system compatibility, you can download the evaluation version for free, and check.